Business Consulting
In QBK we cater the implementation of solutions that deliver REAL
return on investment on a reasonable time. Quick Business Knowledge
translated into On Time, On Scope and On Budget projects.
Quick Business Mobility, Quick Business Loyalty, Quick Business Advisory Services,
Quick Business Ergonomics, Quick Business Innovation, are some of the products
we’ve delivered to our customer base.
You’ll be able to have a clear simple view of your processes linked to industry
best practices.
How does your company do it?
How does your competitor do it?
Which are the areas for improvement that we hace?
These are just some of the questions we will ask. Working toether with key
process owners are stakeholders we’ll get the answers and provide suggest
process improvements.
The deliverables of these assessment comprise: which IT solution better fits your organization,
what do we need in order to evaluate alternatives, which software solution should we
finally implement, compare alternative solution, evaluate ROI
and select the best option.
At this time you are definitely familiar with CRM. In QBK we bring this concept to a next level.
CRM only delivers value as long as the solution is adopted.
QB ergonomics guarantees adoption and drive success.
Software design is not only finding the correct algorithm to perform a specific task.
Having each time more complex and advanced systems, user interaction can be a challenge.
User adoption through a simple UI reduces training timeframes, accelerates adoption
and reduces Time to Value.
User Center and Customer Experience drives this New software concept based
on software ergonomics.
Which are the main principals of Software Ergonomics? Up to what stage they
drive efficiency? Systems should be intuitive and easy to use. Interacting with
the application should be natural. System should drive the user interaction.
Voice enable applications, innovation through environmental information exchange,
latest UI technologies are only some of the concepts we use in QBK SE Lab,
Software Ergonomics Lab.
Applying this concept, SE, to both user and customer experience significantly
reduces time to Value.

In all economic sectors loyalty has turn into a key strategy in customer facing processes. Constant worldwide economic cycles drive Loyalty Management Application attractiveness up.
Financial uncertainty is forcing organizations to be more dynamic, flexible and agile when interacting with customers. Making matters worse, customer expectations are going up.
Despite the ubiquity and capabilities of Loyalty Management Programs, these
have failed to deliver its’ full potential due to the speed customer attitudes changes.
We understand the dynamics of your industry and are able to anticipate customer
needs. We can deliver a flexible Loyalty Management Program with will fit your needs
and adapt with change constantly align with your needs.
Innovation drives anticipation, relevance and consistency.